My wife had tsh test yesterday and the tsh value was 14 (normal 4.6) now taking thyronorm 100 mg. Is this hyper or hypothyroidism? How to cure this?
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Hypo thyroidism need regular medicine with dose monitoring which keep your tsh level normal.
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Hypo thyroidism need regular medicine with dose monitoring which keep your tsh level normal.
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Mr. lybrate-user, thanks for the query. When a person's thyroid gland is unable to secrete adequate amount of hormone thyroxine, it is called as hypothyroidism. In this due to less thyroxine (t$), there is an increase in the hormone tsh. So thyroxine supplementation is given. Since this is a hormone deficiency disease, the supplementation has to be given for life time. There is no cure. Thanks.
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This is hypothyroidism in which your thyroid gland producing less hormone which is necesary for metabolism and many other important functions.To control it doctor prescribes synthetic thyroid hormone and monitor the dose by estimating TSH in blood.There is no permanent cure but you can easily control it.
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