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My name is sainath and my age is 25 I have consulted a doctor regarding darks spots on my face. He given me the suggestion to use brite cream with some other cream combination I have been used for more than 1 month 90% of dark spots as been gone after 2 consultations he told me to stop using that cream from 1 week am not using that cream day by day. Again the dark spots are coming its is increasing day by day can you suggest me for any permanent solution also need for treatment details.
1Doctor Answered
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Once you start with any brightning creams thet will show good results. As soon as you stop them condition becomes same or worsens. So its always good to go for the best medication instead of just any medicine. As far as your condition is concerned you can go for vitamin c serum apply it daily at night as well as morning after face wash and moisturiser. And seal it with a good sunscreen in the morning. At night just vit c serum. This will make good difference.
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