Is it useful for dissolving brest lump? I had taken 1 month cap. Primosa 500 mg. But I feel lumps size increases rather than decreasing. please suggest me something about that.
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Hi. Primrose helps in pain reduction. Lump size can be decreased by other medicines. Consult in person privately for more detailed discussion.
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Hello. Hope you have done usg both breast and fnac to confirm the diagnosis of breast lump. Primosa contains evening primrose oil which in a dose of at least 2 gram is effective in the management of fibroadenosis. However if there are fluid filled cysts or fibroadenoma than primosa is not effective.
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Primosa 500 mg soft gelatin capsule promotes healthy skin and hormonal balance. It contains linoleic acid that forms a protective coating around nerve fibres. Epo is thought to help a wide variety of conditions including eczema, nerve pain and osteoporosis take homeopathy medicines, they will help.
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Hi, Lybrate user, lump in breast includs three different stages underlying: 1: -cyst' 2:- fibrodenoma 'and'3: - fibrodenometosis, at three diferent sites in breast, ? its dimension is to be assessed, first� ,most of the� lumps can't be declared as cancerous unless, examined� through memeography and fnac to assess its axact condition.?go for memeography. ?tumor might be associated with white or� bloody discharge from nipples.?reduce� ,your weight, if you are obeased .? proper homeopathic remedies can assist you, of course� successfully, reviewing your report�s, privetly in this regard, please. Till, then take, homoeopathic medicine ,underlying: @ badiaga 30 -5 drops, thrice, orally. Take care.
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