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Bike accident before 15 days. Primary care done at near hospital. I am taking following tabs from past 10 days 1. Zerodol-sp 2. Clavam-625 3. Rabicer-d 4. Chymoral-forte 5. Bifilac I am applied wokadine cream for 5 days until upper layer is formed. Then onwards I applied wokadine powder. Wound is not depth till muscle. One layer is peeled off at the time of accident. But muscle crushed a lot around wound. Since the primary care the wound is not cleaned with any solution. At the time of primary care wound is cleaned and applied wokadine ointment my question is shall I clean the wound regularly? And shall I apply ointment or powder for quick heal. Wound is completely dried and thick outer layer is formed. So I didn't wash the wound.

2Doctors Answered
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