My mother 85 years suffered 2nd stroke on 21st march 2020 and not able to swallow n speak (earlier 6 years back paralysis left arm / leg. She is on nasal food pipe since then n regular bp and blood thinner medicine. Now she is facing mucus problem as she is not able to spit or swallow although we r giving mucinac 600. Kindly advice on the issue and also time to replace nasal food pipe.
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Hi Mr. lybrate-user, I would like to know her current sensorium and response. It is better to get a swallowing evaluation before starting oral feeds. If she is not fit for oral feeds after swallowing evaluation, better to go for peg insertion which will control the mucous problem. Thanks.
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Cerebrovascular accident or stroke affects different parts of the brain. As per your history, it looks like your mother has brain stem infarct. And she has developed aspiration pneumonitis. At 85 years all these can be critical. Kindly follow the neurologist advise. It would be better to do chest physiotherapy and frequent position changes to clear her chest. Ryle's tube through which food is given can be changed once every 6 weeks or if it gets obstructed. Hope she gets well soon.
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