I have very dry and sensitive skin. From 15 years I am suffering from rosacea with bumps all over face. My face get very hot flashes and itching, burning.i took allopathy treatment in which I took medicine- tacrolimus, azelaic acid, clindamycin,sunscreen, cetrizine etc. When I stop this medicine my get more problems. I took some ayurveda medicine also. I am very depressed with this condition. Please help recently Dr. prescribed me metrogyl gel and acne moisturizer and after applying this my face get more itching and burning and gets to much dry.
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Rosacea can have multiple triggering factors like hot beverages, sunlight exposure, sweating, hormonal changes, etc. Treatment depends on stage of rosacea and medicines has to be taken in different phases which can be gradually reduced and stopped. I would suggest you take clear pictures showing affected areas and send the query so that I can check properly and suggest the treatment plan. Also mention if you are allergic to any medicine or have any hormonal issues or if you are taking medicines for some other issues as few medicines can also aggravate rosacea. All the best. Regards Dr. Jeetendra khatuja (mumbai)
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Don't worry...you are suffering from acne rosacea causing flushing... specific Medicine available for good control... Treatment depends on the severity..Do direct online consultation for detailed prescription by sending photos.
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