I am 26 years old. I think I have hyperthyroidism as I have done an extensive research on it and I have all the symptoms of hyperthyroidism namely - ?tremors which I never had before, especially in head, occasionally in hands as well (*)?restlessness ?agitation ?anxiety ?muscle weakness ?sensitivity to light (specially sunlight)?extreme weight loss inspite of increased appetite (*)?rapid heart rate (*)?intolerance to heat ?nervousness ?irritability ?soft velvety body skin (*)?increased appetite (*)?heart palpitation (*)?fatigue, weakness ?decreased concentration (*)?fine / brittled hair (*)?sleep disturbances (*)?regular sore throat (*)?most time difficulty in swallowing problem comes with sore throat (*)?trouble breathing even while resting (*)but I have been given levothyroxine - 75 mcg' medicine which is for hypothyroidism. I do not have even a single symptom of hypothyroidism. I am very confused and I strongly think that I have been diagnosed completely incorrectly. My mother has hypothyroidism and I can see all hypothyroid symptoms in her easily. I have went to 2 doctors till now (never went to an endocrinologist though) and I want to know how to get extensively diagnosed properly. So that, I know if I have any autoimmune disease, or simply hyperthyroidism. Can anyone of you please help me out. I am looking for a doctor who could diagnose me in an extensive manner.
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Hello, Thanks for the query. I have seen the query. In that there is no mention of TSH , T3 & T4 values. Unless those details are given there is no way to give any opinion. Plus if the doctor has prescribed 75 mcg of Levothyroxine, then the diagnosis is pretty obvious. Thanks.
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Hi, lybrate user, You should restric ,intake of Cauliflower, kale, spinach, turnips, soybeans, peanuts, linseed, peanuts, millet, cassava, and mustard greens in your dietary regulation. Go for a.walk in the morning /evening for 40 mnts. �Take ,homoeopathic medicine to check your hypothyroidism, gently,� rapidly & safely . @ Thyroidinum 3x-4pills, thrice. Tk,� plenty of water to hydrate your body. Go for meditation to condition your thyroid gland. Your diet be non-irritant , easily digestible on time. Tk, care
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Get a thyroid profile so that we can know the biochemical status of hyper or hypothyroidism. Dose can be adjusted there after. You can consult me online with report if you wish so.
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Hii lybrate-user check t3, t4,tsh, anti tpo antibody done first. Give a better guide to further treatment. Similar symptoms can have in anxiety disorders too like tremors, weight loss.
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