I am suffering from irregular periods. I have almost all the symptoms of pcod (hair fall, weight gain, facial hair, acne). But my ovary has no cyst (according to ultrasound report). What precautions should I take? My gyne somewhat given yamini tablet, myocyst and himalaya evecare forte.
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Reduce your weight, according to your height your weight should be 60 kg do regular exercise and take a healthy balanced diet, restrict intake of fats and carbohydrates, increase intake of protein. Take lots of green leafy vegetables and salads. Weight reduction will help you in getting rid of all these symptoms.
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I hope your tsh level has been checked. you must try and reduce your weight. weight reduction is one of the most important measures for irregular periods. Avoid fast food intake and start exercising.
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You will be benefitted by the use of ginnette35.
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Please remember, PCOS is not "curable" but it can be controlled by simple mechanisms like weight control (diet and exercise). Continue the tablets as these are helpful in PCOS.
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