Why tumor will form in breast? Is it due to hormonal imbalance or some genetic reasons? What are the symptoms of benign tumor does it need operation or by taking vitamin e tablets tumor can be melted?
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Hi, Lybrate user, lymph nodes in breast get enlarged and lump forms with nodules in different parts of breast. Lump in breast includs three different stages underlying: 1: -cyst' 2:- fibrodenoma 'and'3: - fibrodenometosis, at three diferent sites in breast, ? its dimension is to be assessed, first� ,most of the� lumps can't be declared as cancerous unless, examined� through memeography and fnac to assess its axact condition. Tumor might be associated with white or� bloody discharge from nipples. Reduce� ,your weight, if you are obeased. Take, haldi (curcumine), fish, tomatoes,flex seeds, spinach,pomegranate, broccoli and blueberries. �proper homoeopathic remedies can assist, you, successfully, reviewing your report�s, privetly in this regard, please. Till then, take homoeopathic medicine, underlying: @ pytolacca 30ch-5 drops, thrice. Avoid, junk food, spicy and fried food. Tk, care.
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The benign breast tumours can be due to hormonal causes. Genetic causes is only 5%. Vit.E is effective in fibrocystic diseae like fibroadenoma. But if is a big mass producing pressure symptoms ,it is better to remove it surgically. A fine needle aspiration biopsy is indicated to exclude malignancy.
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Breast tumor can be a lot of things, can be cancerous or non cancerous. Some happen due to hormonal imbalance however one needs to be checked by a breast specialist to decide the best form of treatment. Cancerous tumors and non cancerous lumps require surgery.
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