I have been suffering from anxiety disorder since last 7 years which developed into hypertension since last four years. Seven years ago one night I have so much argument with my wife. After the incident I slept. Suddenly I woke up at midnight and feeling anxious with a running heartbeat with sweating in palm and after that I could not sleep. Next morning I went to the doctor he advised me for ecg and thyroid test which came normal. After that he diagnosed me with anxiety disorder and giving treatment. After two year one day the same doctor diagnosed me with hypertension after that I have started taking prolomet xl 50 tablet. I am taking 1/2 tablet of petril plus daily without taking this I can not sleep properly. I am also experiencing a weak erection and low libido for last few months.
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All the issues you are having are connected to anxiety primarily. Over and above that if you quarrel with your wife, who is the most important person in your life, you are only increasing your stress levels and decreasing your support system. Most ill-advised. Now I suggest that you go for counseling and get some help in maintaining relationships and dealing with your emotions and stress. Medication is a chemical way to deal with the issues but you don't learn any skills and techniques to last a lifetime. Anxiety has all to do with fear and your inability (or so you would tend to think) to handle the same. Fear is based on looking too much into the future and imagining things that usually do not tend to happen (usually 90% of your fears will not happen). You need to change your perception of the fearful stimulus then you can change your response to the fear. The first one is the best and will preempt the need for the second. If you are already far gone into the reaction mode, then you need both responses to counter the attack. The way we see things in life (like half empty or half full glass) is very dependent on our attitude. Attitude may have developed over many years but fortunately can change in a matter of sustained choices made and acted upon now. Accordingly, you choose to see things as either threatening or as an opportunity. The opportunist will be positive and work with the situation to make good out of it. The individual who sees it as threatening, will, out of fear, try to avoid/run away from the situation or react with anxiety. Yes, self-belief does impact it too, but you can see that prior to that, the perception will tarnish the belief system too. Here, you can see that all the resolution lies in just changing your perception/attitude, even if it is against odds. Changing your response, despite the perception, is building up of your reserves and resources to handle any contingency that life throws up at you. And life throws up situations quite regularly and heavily. For this you need to develop a fit mind and body: the former, by meditation and mind exercises; and the latter, by exercises and proper diet. You need good sleep too. Included in the development of the mind is the handling of emotions, in your case, fear. These changes will give you a handle on life and your perceptions and responses. Prayer is really powerful if you are a spiritual person. Repeat some personally framed affirmations that are geared to calming you down and building confidence. Do a personality development course too. Anything that develops you personally will be of great assistance in building resilience, and of course, do not increase your stress or decrease your support system by any means.
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Dear lybrate-user, please avoid taking petril plus. The escitalopram in it, may cause weak erection. Anxiety will be controlled with prolomet or clonazepam. So you need not take escitalopram. Remember there could be other reasons (like argument with wife) those cause similar problems. However discuss your sexaul problems with the same doctor - he can diagnose it and treat it appropriately.
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Petril plus has escitalopram which causes sexual dysfunction. Consult your psychiatrist and get alternate prescribed. Good luck.
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