I have eye sight. I have sight of 4 minus for both eyes. I want a suggestion regarding nutritional diet and about laser treatment.
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Get your refraction done and wear spectacles eat green veggies. Carrots. Papayas, mangoes yellow fruits nuts butter. Strain less your eyes. Relax your eyes in between work. Blink regularily if working for long time on computer. Lower the brightness of your screen. Work under adequately illuminated conditions. Also try to blink your eyes properly while work. Use good tear substitutes like genteal 4 times a day. And anti glare screen for your system. You can go for lasik surgery depending upon the type severity and stability of refractive error, and condition of the cornea. Till then you must not undergo lasik. Use eyedrops genteal 3 times a nd zoneph 4 times a day.
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