My father has got a heavy body & he has been detected as having high cholesterol but that's related with heart but he says he's been having a high body pain and doesn't wish to work ? Suggest measures and the reason behind this ?
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Hi, high, cholesterol level causes litharzic attitude, obaesity, being common, now a days due to irregular life style, - can be reduced, by opting-certain natural-norms in life. *go for a brisk walk in d morning to restore blood circulation to nourish d whole body. *tk, plenty of water to eliminate toxins and to regulate metabolism to burn fats cell. Go for meditation to reduce your stress and to nourish cell& tissues to curb fats cells. * go for either, cycling, jogging, swimming, skipping, gardening, playing badminton, dancing, regularly. * opt staircase, instead of a lift in your office. * tk, oats with green tea in d breakfast. * tk, salad, fruits, sprouts in ample qty in lunch. * consume salad, fruits whenever you feel hungry. * avoid, nicotine, alcohol, junk food, cookies, burger, pizza, butter, ghee. # homoeo medicines which r administered gently, acts rapidly without any adverse effect, thereof. @ phyto berryq -10 drops, thrice, with little water before each meal. @ calcarea carb 30 pills, thrice tk, care.
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Hi, obesity is a serious problem in any age. The common causes are mostly sedentary life style, food habits and may be some medication related. Your father 1st has to be assessed for the reason of his obesity. Then only a proper planning for therapy can be done. But for the time being he can control his diet, has to prevent the total calorie intake as per his diet requirement. You can consult a dietician for that. You can motivate him for morning walk at least thrice in a wk for 30 mints duration. This will help him a lot. Once he starts walking he will feel good. You have to review his medication (with doctor). If wt gain is medication induced has to change or stop the offending agents. Thanks.
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