Sir. I am 56 years old man. Since last six month I am feeling depressed in my life. Sometimes I feel life is useless and there is no use of living. My health is also affected and always feel tired. Kindly help me to come out of this situation.
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Dear lybrate user, welcome to lybrate. Clinical depression or depressive disorder is a neurochemical disorder. Clinical depression is usually treated with a combination of psychiatric medicines, psychotherapy, life style changes, meditation and exercise. I hope you are undergoing psychiatric treatment, otherwise, please approach a psychiatrist. Once you make the necessary amendments in your life with the help of the above said therapies and life style changes, learn how to manage the depressive episodes without medicines and learn to relax, the medicines can be weaned off over a period of one year. The best option for you is to undergo counseling and depression related therapy. Take care.
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