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Hi Lybrate user ,the most common causes of muscle pain are tension, stress, overuse and minor injuries. This type of pain is usually limited to just a few muscles or a small part of your body. You can meet near by physiotherapist for this.
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?mobility exercises rest. Avoid doing things that require you to bend at the hip or put a lot of pressure on the hip. Avoid sleeping on the side of your hip that is painful and sitting for long periods of time ?cold and heat. Treating pain with heat and cold may help. Wrap an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables in a towel to ice your hip. A warm bath or shower may also help reduce your pain and prepare your muscles for stretching. ?stretch. Gently stretching your body may reduce hip pain, especially if the cause is a strain or pinched nerve. 1. Knee lift1.Lie on the back, extending both legs flat along the floor. 2.Keeping the left leg straight, pull the right knee up toward the chest. 3.Place both hands on top of the knee to help pull it in toward the chest. 4.Hold the stretch for 10 seconds. 5.Let go of the knee and gently lower the leg back toward the floor. 6.Repeat this exercise 5?10 times on each knee. 2.double hip rotation 1.Lie flat on the back. Then, bend the knees and bring them toward the body until the feet are flat on the floor. 2.Gently rotate the knees to the left, lowering them toward the floor. Rotate the head to face the right while keeping the shoulders against the floor. 3.Hold this position for 20?30 seconds. 4.Slowly return both the head and knees to the starting position. 5.Repeat on the opposite side. 3.bridging 1.Lie on the back, bending both legs at the knee and placing the feet flat on the floor. Keep the arms by the sides of the body with the palms facing downward. If necessary, place a small pillow underneath the neck and head for support. 2.Slowly lift the pelvis and lower back upward. Be sure to keep the shoulders and upper body on the floor. 3.Hold the position for 5 seconds. 4.Gradually lower the back and pelvis toward the floor, starting at the top of the spine. Roll down through the spine until the entire back is flat against the floor again. 5.Repeat this exercise 5?10 times. 4.butterfly stretch 1.Sit on the ground, bend your legs, and bring the soles of your feet together so they touch, letting your knees fall out to the sides. 2.Bring your heels as close to your body as you can and lean forward into the stretch, using your elbows to gently push your knees toward the ground. 5.side lying leg raise 1.Lay on your right side with your legs straight and stacked on top of each other, propping yourself up with your elbow. If you?re using an exercise band, position it just above your knees. 2.Keeping your hips stacked, engage your core and lift your left leg straight up as far as you can. Slowly lower back down. Repeat on other side. 6.hip flexion 1.Stand upright. 2.Extend one arm out to the side and hold on to a sturdy surface, such as a wall, table, or chair, for support. 3.Slowly raise the right knee to the level of the hip or as far as is comfortable while keeping the left leg straight. 4.Only hold this position for a second before placing the left foot back on the floor. 5.Repeat with the left knee. 6.Do 5?10 repetitions of this exercise. 7.hip extension 1.Stand upright with the legs straight and the feet shoulder-width apart. 2.Extend both arms out in front and hold on to a chair, table, or wall for support. 3.Keeping the right leg straight, lift the left leg backward without bending the knee. 4.Lift the leg as far as possible without causing discomfort, then clench the buttock tightly and hold the position for 5 seconds. Repeat this stretch 5?10 times on each leg. To increase the resistance, try attaching small weights to the legs. 8.hip abduction 1.Stand upright. 2.Extend the left arm out to the side and hold on to something solid, such as a chair, table, or wall. 3.Starting with the feet together, lift the right leg out to the right side. Keep the left leg straight and avoid rotating the hips. 4.Hold the position for 5 seconds and then slowly return the leg to the starting position. Do this exercise 5?10 times on one leg, then repeat it on the other side.
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