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I had irregular periods. My doctor prescribed Me regestrone for three days. I got my period. During that time I was also given some antibiotics like microdox lbx. My period started on 12th and ended on 18th but I have been having continuous spotting till now (24th). The blood is brownish (kind of like the blood at the end of a period cycle). So far it had been very little but today I experienced a heavier discharge of dark, sludgy blood. My reports show that I didn't have either viral, parasite or fungal infections. Basically infection was "sterile" according to my doctor and therefore she decided to put me on broad spectrum antibiotics. Why am I experiencing this bleeding? How can I stop it? Is this dangerous? My doctor will not give me clear answers over the phone and I'm traveling. Please help me.
2Doctors Answered
87% (42 ratings)
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Since you have PCOS certain cycles can be prolonged. It doesn't seem any dangerous but get an ultrasound and see doctor when you are back.
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Hi,In irregular periods,when the periods get delayed your uterus lining will get thickened.And when you get bleeding it will shed out for longer time.Do an USG scan of pelvis and look for thickness of endometrium.Please restart regesteroneIn once a day and continue for 15days .Then stop it .when you get periods again you can restart RegesteroneIn from 5 th day and continue for 21 days.This will regularise your cycle.If you need a detailed consultation please revert back to me.
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