Sir, I am male but I have getting thoughts like a female what should I do how to over come from this problem now I am 23 years old.
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Dear user. Male having female thoughts is a psychological disorder. This disorder can be cleared through conversion therapy. Take care.
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You have trans gender tendency and need to get counselled .Gender dysphoria is the distress caused by the feeling that your gender identity does not match the biological gender that you are. For example, if you were born with the genitals of a boy, but feel that you are female, or the other way around. This used to be called "gender identity disorder". However, this suggests that identifying yourself as the other gender is an illness. It is only an illness if it causes you unhappiness, or affects your health and well-being. There are many ways you can obtain help and support if you are struggling as a result of your gender identity. If you wish to change your gender, the medical profession will support you in doing so. There are gender identity clinics with a wide variety of professionals who specialise in helping people make changes so they are happy with their gender. "Gender identity" means the sex (gender) we most feel we are. For most people this is the gender they were assigned at birth as a result of the appearance of their genitals. However, for some people there is a mismatch between the gender they feel they are, and the gender they appear as to other people. Gender dysphoria is the term used by most health professionals for the distress people experience when the gender they were assigned when they were born doesn't match the gender they feel they are. Dysphoria means unhappiness. So "gender dysphoria" describes the distress and problems which may be caused by gender identity issues. Gender identity disorder is becoming an outdated term. It is gradually being changed because the term suggests a mental illness. It is not an illness to be transsexual, or to feel you should be another gender than the one you are born with. However, it can cause some problems and distress. You may wish to ask for medical help if you feel this way. You may need help coming to terms with the effect it has on your life. Or you may wish for help in changing your appearance to fit with the gender you feel is right for you. In order to access this care there has to be a medical term. Nowadays it is understood that being transsexual or transgender does not refer to illness - it refers to diversity. This is why the term "gender dysphoria" is now used instead of the diagnosis "gender identity disorder". Some more definitions Transsexual: a person who feels an overwhelming desire to make a physical change and live their life as a member of the opposite gender. Many transsexual people actively wish for and undergo an operation to change their gender. Transgender or trans: this can refer to a number of different gender experiences. It can include transsexual people, transvestites and cross-dressers. It is a word which can be used differently by different people, so may be confusing. Trans woman/trans man: a trans woman is a person who has been assigned as a male at birth, but who later identifies as a woman. A trans man is a person who has been assigned as a female at birth, but later identifies as a male. These are terms used BEFORE a person has any gender-changing surgery, or makes any legal changes. After either of these events, they would normally refer to themselves as a woman or a man respectively. Transvestite: a transvestite is a person who dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex. This usually refers to a man dressing as a woman. Transvestites do not necessarily wish for permanent changes to their gender.
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