Hello, I am 45 years female having a overweight problem. (5ft / 70 kgs) have gone through hystectomy operation in 2012. Currently my throid level is 4.16 and doctors have asked me to reduce the weight because I am suffering from knee pain recently. Can I get the solution / guidance to loose weight so that I can have my throid controlled as I have started walking daily as an exercise. My job profile is alsways at the desk. Also I need a solution for my knee pain problem. Currently I am taking calcium supplementary called glucosamine tablets.
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Stop glucosamine. To loose weight: Step 1-stop taking sugar & fat e.g. Ghee/fried stuff. Step 2 take a plate of salad before meals Reduce no. of chapatti gradually.
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Your BMI is 30.30kg/m2 which is showing you are obese. The ways to reduce weight are mainly two 1) reduce the food intake, 2) exercise and burn extra calories. There are drugs like orlistat tabs which does help in reduction of weight (about 6 kg in a year), but has certain side effects. Since you complain of knee pain, can try some stretching exercises and abdominals which do not put strain on knees. Also alternately join yoga classes learn asanas that help. Set a target of reducing 2 kgs per month, that can be achieved by cutting down 550 calories from your daily intake. Your caloric intake daily should not exceed 1000 calories and exercising has to continue. Glucosamine is not calcium supplement, it is supposed to help cartilage building but evidence is not there. Calcium tabs can tab veba plus daily one for a few months.
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