I am 35 year old woman. Yesterday fully my right side eye is twitching between small amount of time .today also same feeling. What is the problem why eye is like that please tell any home treatment for this.
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Eye twitching can be due to sleeplessness or stress. Usually it goes away after adequate rest is taken, but incase the problem persists you have to consult.
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Hello. Twitching of the eye is due to muscular (muscle related) or neurological (nerve related) problems. It is either due to their weakness or there excessive stimulation, because of which you are experiencing occasional twitching. Before starting treatment for this, an eye doctor would like to rule out any other similar problems in any other part of your body first. Also a gross external eye examination is essential to rule out any serious implication in future (which apparently is rare only). Treatment is aimed at strengthening the nerves and certain lifestyle changes. You can reach me out anytime for consultation and to discuss your case in details. A photograph of your both eyes will be a helpful. Also, a video taken during the active phase of twitching will be a lot more informative to assess the severity. Hope this helps. Thank you.
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