What is the cure for high cholesterol and Uris acid. I also have medicine for high BP. I would like to know which foods to avoid and what to include. My weight is 74 Kgs for my height of 5' 10"
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Eat a low fat content in your diet and avoid pickles, papads and always eat freshly prepared foods and few tips on diet say no to maida items like toast , khaari ,naan ,white bread . say no to Buffalo milk and can drink cows milk can eat brown bread can eat sprout's can eat green vegetables, can eat chappati ,bajra ka rotla can eat one katori of rice twice a day with dal to avoid farsan food items can eat fruits say no to coconut water
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Dear It appears you are stressed. Blood cholesterol is not related to food and heart attack, a recent study has proved this. Stress management courses will help. Curtail your intake of proteins. Thus may help in managing uric acid levels. Efforts to improve inner strength are important. Vm.
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