She irritates too much and during irritation she starts abusing aloud with so harsh sound mainly when we stop to wash hand or even talk about it. She washes hand for a long than normally we do she is having fear about contamination and she always fears to health due to contamination, so to avoid contamination she used to wash hand to avoid it a lot. Anger is the worst condition of her behaviour since she becomes bully that time abuse badly and when she calm regret it. When she irritates she starts washing hand cloth and things around her vey cautiously and repetitively which irritate us badly. Sometime she occupied bathroom for 2 to 3 hour and before and after bath also washes hand in anger and when she calm down then only comes out and for all these irritating behaviour blames other. She always want to listen her favor in any circumstances. Always wants praise for self satisfaction. It has been occurring for more than two year but she controlled it herself two months back at much extent, but again now a days starting. Which disturb us badly due to her abusive behaviour. Sad part of it is yhat she never ready to accept that she is having problem and never want to get treatment due to felling embarrassment. So please guide us to overcome it if it can be treated online.
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She is suffering from Obsessive compulsive disorder, which can be a debilitating disease. The actual fact is that she is scared but acting angry. If you remind her that she is scared why don't you talk about it and get her to speak then she will make a lot of improvement. But there is more to do. Meet with a counselor first and then if that person recommends a psychiatrist to deal with this issue, do visit one as soon as possible. Please take her parents with her to determine the possible developmental issues that may have contributed to this condition. This is a fear-based condition and for some reason she has not been dealing with this childhood fear which has now developed unto these repetitive adaptations to seem to need it for normal functioning. The behavior will then become based on magical thinking and certain rituals will become necessary to do normal things making her believe that either the frequency or the ritual is important to its success. This of course is a fallacy but there will come a time that even if told the truth, her belief will defy any logic and she will continue behaving like that even if it cripples her in her daily routines. It only appears as though some other force is behind these behaviors and that she is compelled to act in this fashion. That is obviously not true but no one can convince her of anything different. The obsession is a repeating thought pattern with no meaningful outcome; and the compulsiveness is the need to act on those obsessions also in a repeated behavior pattern as though she just cannot help herself, like the excessive washing and cleaning. There are certain behavioral techniques to be implemented and if they work she may get out of this condition rather easily. If that does not work as desired, then medication has to be introduced, and in combination with counseling much work can be achieved. If she is unwilling to meet with a counselor then you can meet with a doctor and that person will give you medications that can be surreptitiously introduced into her food or drink and in time she may become amenable to therapy. There is no point in getting angry with her but be gentle and patient and caring when dealing with her idiosyncrasies.
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She is suffering from OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, from what you say. It can be easily treated. Consult a psychiatrist for remedy. It can also be treated online, you need to take SSRI group of medications, there will be wonderful recovery. OCD is due to reduced serotonin transmission in mind and the obsessive thoughts of contamination, and compulsive hand washing occurs.
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