Sir, I am of age 24. I am very short tempered. Often I get angry with no such serious reason. It became a very big problem to my near and dear one. He loves me very much. But I don't even understand him correctly. Also I am very much suspicious about boyfriend where there is no such reason. My behaviour is very abnormal type. please sir help me to get out of this so that I can be a better person and make my dear one very happy.
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First of all there is need to avoid spicy oily and junk food. Avoid tea, coffee and aerated drinks. Secondly you need to start yoga and meditation in the morning atleast for One hour. Thirdly avoid expecting anything from anybody. Fourthly you should start Ayurvedic treatment to support you for few days. You need regular online counseling so your thinking problems can be sort out. You may contact online for consultation.
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Dear Lybrate user Firstly get your BP and thyroid tests done. Sometimes when people have fluctuations in BP & thyroid then these temper issues will increase. Secondly please keep a note of your anger triggers, write them in a diary. When things get heat up then catch hold of your bodily symptoms. This will help you to keep a check on anger in the initial stage itself. As soon as you see these anger symptoms, try moving too a quite and calm place. Give yourself a breather and drink some water. Avoid talking to your beloved one at that time because you might end up fighting with each other. So give a space to yourself. Try these things, if problem persists talk to a counselor. All the best.
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Hello Friend, Good that you are seeking a help here. Behaviors with anger, frustration, irritation, short tempered etc are expression or outburst of stress in your mind. Sometimes body condition like excess heat, menstrual issues, acidity, food habbit also can trigger such stress. So you need start a stress management to control this anger. While there are many stress management plan you can follow, it's still better to identify the root cause behind such stress before recommendating any such solution. Consult a psychologists directly or online discussion your problem in details for further evaluation.
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