I have TSH 10.21 and am on thyroxine 75+12.5 have pcod too. Please suggest me a balanced diet which I can follow in Mon- Fri as I have to leave for office around 9.30a.m. Also provide some weight loss programs if possible. Does evening walk does the same as morning walk?
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Walking in the morning and evening do the same benefits Early Morning Lukewarm Water with Lemon 1 glass 0 Tea without Sugar + 2 Biscuits 90 Breakfast 2 Rotis + 1/2 cup Paneer Curry 330 OR Brown Bread Upma 1 plate + Milk 1 cup 300 Mid-Morning 1 Banana/1/2 cup Melon/20 Grapes 50 Lunch Brown Rice 1 cup (195 gm) + Mixed Vegetables 1/2 cup + Salad 1 bowl + Raita 1 small bowl 345 Evening Butter Milk 1 cup 35 Dinner 2 Rotis + Vegetable Soup 1 bowl + Salad 1 bowl 370 Total 1220/1190 Cal
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Hello, Thanks for the query. Madam when one is on adequate dose of levothyroxine TSH is maintained around 3 to 4 mU/l, at that level all the symptoms are in check. Plus the efforts to reduce weight also are successful. Therefore, it is important to reduce TSH to that level. To suggest a diet plan I need to know your present dietary habits, extent of exercise being done daily. Following are a few precautions: 1) Avoid deep fried foods, junk foods, pastries, bakery items, foods made from maida and colas. 2) Always use whole grain flour for chapati and roti. Reduce usage of polished grains. 3) Increase the consumption of green leafy vegetables, salads and fruits. 4) Your total calorie intake has to be based on ideal body weight (55 kgs) not your present weight. Thanks.
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