Hello doctor, I'm 23 years old. I ws born with ctev and corrected it surgically when I was 1 year old. When I became 12 years old I started to have patellar dislocation (left knee). My parents are not convinced about the idea of having a surgery. So, is there anything to be afraid off? please share your valuable advice.
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-Do knee exercises. -wait until you are 18 yrs.& have completed your growth. -go for surgery, if you still need it.
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Prevention To reduce your risk of developing patellar tendinitis, take these steps: Don't play through pain. As soon as you notice exercise-related knee pain, ice the area and rest. Until your knee is pain-free, avoid activities that put stress on your patellar tendon. Strengthen your muscles. Strong thigh muscles are better able to handle the stresses that can cause patellar tendinitis. Eccentric exercises, which involve lowering your leg very slowly after extending your knee, are particularly helpful. Improve your technique. To be sure you're using your body correctly, consider taking lessons or getting professional instructions when starting a new sport or using exercise equipment. Therapy A variety of physical therapy techniques can help reduce the symptoms associated with patellar tendinitis, including: Stretching exercises. Regular, steady stretching exercises can reduce muscle spasm and help lengthen the muscle-tendon unit. Don't bounce during your stretch. Strengthening exercises. Weak thigh muscles contribute to the strain on your patellar tendon. Exercises that involve lowering your leg very slowly after extending it can be particularly helpful, as can exercises that strengthen all of the leg muscles in combination, such as a leg press. Patellar tendon strap. A strap that applies pressure to your patellar tendon can help to distribute force away from the tendon and direct it through the strap instead. This may help relieve pain. Iontophoresis. This therapy involves spreading a corticosteroid medicine on your skin and then using a device that delivers a low electrical charge to push the medication through your skin. Platelet-rich plasma injection. This type of injection has been tried in some people with chronic patellar tendon problems. Studies are ongoing. It is hoped the injections might promote new tissue formation and help heal tendon damage.
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Good evening lybrate user Surgery is a better option if you have frequent dislocation of patella it a small surgery as per your details you are already 23
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