My total cholesterol is 210, triglyceride is 163, ldl is 133, hdl is 43.7 against 200, 150,100,40-60 respectively. Practically similar reading for last 10 yrs. No diabetic, no bp, but having thyroid, prostate,arthritis problem. Presently not taking medicine for elevated cholesterol (for other problems taking medicine). Pl suggest what l should l do? It is proved elevated cholesterol doesn't create heart problem. A a bhoraskar.
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U can do the following-- Stop smoking (if you smoke). Smoking lowers your HDL, (?good?) cholesterol level. Change the way you Eat. Low-fat, low-cholesterol eating benefits all your lipid levels. Lose weight if necessary. Maintain healthy lifestyle Start exercising. For more details you can consult me. Nuts, such as almonds, pistachios, and walnuts, contain high amounts of unsaturated fat or ?good? fats, which increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
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Take statin.
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Your lipid profile is only mildly increased from baseline and it can be related to lab error or is insignificant in your case. As you have no symptoms yo need need not worry or check up.
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