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My fasting sugar =87.9 sugar pp = 133.4 cholesterol total= 118.2 triglycerides level = 89.2 hdl cholesterol =59.2 ldl cholesterol = 41.16 vldl cholesterol = 17.84 ldl / hdl ratio = 0.7 hb1c glycated haemoglobin = 5.5 t3 total = 129.2 t4 total = 12.01 tsh = 2.32 uric acid = 5.8 test done on 08.08.2019 I am on other medicines as below:*ranolaz 500 twice daily *glycomet sr 500 twice daily * clopitab a once daily after lunch - modlip 40 after dinner * urimax f at bed time what is the cause of loosing weight?
1Doctor Answered
88% (32 ratings)
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As you are taking glycomet sr 500 twice daily, which helps loosing weight and which is good for diabetic patients. You should not worry about loosing weight unless it disturbs you.
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