I am 70 kgs 28 years old. I have thyroid problem and using medicine. I want to reduce my weight upto 20 kgs. What can I do? Any food chart please . Even I am feeding my 11 months baby .
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Hi, At this time when you are feeding your baby, I wouldn't advise you to avoid any nutrients. Rather keep taking healthy, nutritious and a balanced diet. Yes, you can burn your calories by working out. Choose a variety of healthy foods ? such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean sources of protein ? and include physical activity in your daily routine. Go through the following general guidelines and implement them in your routine: Management: 1: Drink plenty of water (at least 2-3 l/d) or other calorie-free beverages. 2: Be choosy about nighttime snacks. 3: Enjoy your favorite foods. 4: Have 6 meals per day - 3 main courses and 3 snack meals (snack meals should be healthy). 5: Do regular exercises daily (start with light and later may be little vigorous) . Exercise decreases the stress hormone in your body, burns calories and also increases the blood circulation. Preferably brisk walking, swimming, cycling, skipping. 6: Eat seasonal fruits. Fruit helps to satisfy your sweet tooth thanks to its natural sugars, while fresh vegetables help you fill up more quickly. Fruits and vegetables contain fiber to help you feel full quickly. 7: Eat more whole grains and cut simple carbs. Whole wheat bread, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, sweet potato, and brown rice are all excellent sources of energy and sources of nutrition. 8: Choose lean proteins instead of fatty ones. 9: Cut the salt from your diet. Eating more sodium causes your body to retain water, which can cause you to feel bloated and gain more weight. 10: Don't skip meals. When you skip meals, your body stops breaking down fat and starts breaking down muscle tissue. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than other tissues, so you're actually working against your goals 11: Eat at home. Going out to eat makes it too easy to cheat. Food sold at restaurants is commonly much higher in fat, sodium, and other weight-loss killers. 12: Give yourself a treat now and then. If you're attending a party or going out for a special occasion, allow yourself an indulgence. Just make sure that these indulgences don't become daily habits. 13: Go for a health walk. Gear up yourself daily for a health walk which not only shed off your extra calorie, but also reduces the stress levels. 14: Take small frequent breaks for a quick walk in between as sitting for long hours together encourages the accumulation of fat in the body! Medication: Take homoeopathic medicine - Schwabe's Phytolacca Berry tablets/ thrice daily 1/2 an hr before the meals for 3 months. Thereafter revert me back for further guidance. (Slow and steady weight loss is good. As we all know when you lose weight fast, it seems to jump right back on, whereas when you lose weight steadily over time because of changes to your diet and balancing your hormones out it tends to stay off.) All the best!
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if baby is 11 months, start weaning diet firstely after that thru exercise and with proper all the nutrients and low kcal diet plan required according to u age, height and weight.
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Yog, walking 3 to 4 km and exercise is very helpful with reducing fatty and rich sugar diet. Alone dieting is not good for health for reducing weight. A dietitian can advise you about your diet.
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