Sir my angioplasty has been done since 15 years back now one artery which has stunt is 100 percent block since 4 years and coronary artery open and one is 60percent block since 3 years my clinical reports lipid profile hba1cand Eco Vidal test are perfectly ok my doctor advice not to do any thing only have precaution please suggest.
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You need to follow a right lifestyle add start Homoeopathic treatment to get rid of these relapses..
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It is better if you go for bypass surgery. Don't take risk.
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Dear Relax. Please get a stress thallium myocardial scan done. If normal forget. If abnormal thus can be satisfactorily treated with medicines. Vm
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Trust your doctor. Your father needs no intervention as he has no symptoms despite block detected. Most probably the collateral vessels on heart have bloomed, opened up now when there is extra load on the heart due to blocks cleared, collaterals vessels ,which lie low when major vessels are functioning well are now active. Heart has lots of vessels, some are tiny with capacity to open up, others are major ones, functioning and getting blocks also. Take care considering every preventive factor for heart. Good to know that echo report (%age of heart function) and other reports are normal.
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Dear Lybrateuser, -The precautions are in respect of diet, exercise & stress -take a well balanced heart healthy diet, avoid fried & processed foods, salt, sugar, have more of fibre in diet ,more of fruits & vegetables including green leafy & seasonal ones, whole grains, whole wheat bread/chapatti, brown rice, corn, oats, beans, pulses, peas, sprouts, low fat dairy products, lean meats, sea food, skinless cicken, a handful of dry fruits, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, peanuts, seeds, flax, sesame, chia, pumpkin -do regular exercise, aerobic like walking, jogging for 30-40 min on maximum days, also include yoga, deep breathing & meditation for 10-15 min in the morning to reduce stress & keep fit -sleep well for at least 7-8 hrs in the night -have medication on time & regularly monitor BP, blood sugar & cholesterol levels, keep weight in check.
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