Recently I have done a test and found that I have iron deficiency and cholesterol level is high. What should be done from my end to reach the correct numbers.
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Hi iron defieciency anaemia is a very common finding in womens of developing countries treatment level depends on the hemoglobin level in your blood thre catagories are there mild moderate and severe iron deficiency anaemia depending on your catagory you will be prescibed hematanics for 3 months elevated cholestrol at age of 29 is alarming For dylipidemia (increased fats) start 45 minute of stenous exercises daily for atleast 6 days aweek for 3 months initaially add lot of fibres and fruits to your diet stop taking saturated fats like ghee coconut oil etc, use olive oil rice bran oil and safola oil .these three oils shoud be taken one after the other in addition to these life style modification I would like to start you with a statin group of drug which prevent the formation of cholestrol in the body and increses level of hdl and lowers ldl for 3 months I can not write medicine in public query as per rules feel free to contact in private query don panic you will be fine in 3 months just follow the medicines and life style modification.
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