My wife is 6 week pregnant And I can't control to do sex. But I do intercourse in side by side sleeping and doing slowly with softness. Is that any problem with her pregnancy or baby I am worried!
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You can have sex during pregnancy.
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Try to control. Its not good.
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Hello- If you are not exerting pressure on the abdomen during sex thn it is perfectly alright to do it during pregnancy.
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There is no evidence to suggest that intercourse is contraindicated in pregnancy as long as there is no issues with bleeding
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No you can continue till the time she is not having any discomfort
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You can have sex when you are pregnant. Some women want to have sex more often when they are pregnant, others want it less: During the first months of the pregnancy, many women often do not feel like having sex. They are nauseous and tired and their breasts are painful. Many couples are worried about the future and feel stressed. On the other hand, the vagina, clitoris and nipples are more sensitive. Some women feel like having sex more often. For some women sex during pregnancy is too uncomfortable or even too painful. Some men find it difficult to have sex with their pregnant partner for fear of hurting her or the foetus. Not harmful to the foetus Sexual intercourse cannot harm the foetus because the uterus protects it. Semen cannot enter the uterus. The entrance to the uterus is closed. There is no risk of miscarriage, but do not have sexual intercourse if the doctor advises you not to. Sex is more than penetration. There are different kinds of sex. You can also masturbate, caress, massage, cuddle or have oral sex with your partner.
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Most parents-to-be worry about this, but if you have a normal pregnancy, you can keep doing it right up until your waters break. There are lots of psychological and physical benefits of sex so pregnancy is not a reason to stop. And you may find that being free from worries about conception and contraception, you feel sexier than ever. Some researchers even think that women who have regular sex during pregnancy may be less likely to give birth prematurely. Having orgasms may also be related to a lower chance of giving birth early. If you're feeling sexy and well enough, then it's a good thing to keep your sex life going throughout pregnancy. Having satisfying sex during this time is good for your relationship and your sense of wellbeing, both now and after your baby has arrived. Fear of hurting your baby can be one of the most common reasons to avoid sex during pregnancy. You won't hurt your baby by making love, even with your partner on top. The thick mucus plug that seals your cervix helps guard against infection. The amniotic sac and the strong muscles of your womb (uterus) also protect your baby. If you orgasm, you may notice your baby moves around more. However, this is because of your pounding heart, not because he knows what's happening or feels discomfort. Your midwife or GP may advise you not to have sex if you have experienced: bleeding abdominal pains or cramps broken waters a history of cervical weakness a low-lying placenta (placenta praevia), particularly if you have had some bleeding.
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